South africa township definition
South africa township definition

south africa township definition south africa township definition

Developed from the 1950s onwards, on the basis of the recommendations of the Tomlinson Report, the idea was to create “homelands” (known derisively as bantustans), set aside for the main Bantu ethnic groups as defined by the regime, for the purpose of granting them independence or annexing them to neighbouring countries that were economically dependent upon South Africa. 'Grand apartheid'ģThis was the general policy of the apartheid regime aiming to partially decolonise South Africa. The magisterial districts eventually found their place in the new municipal divisions. With the new subdivision into local government entities in 2000, the level of district municipalities was created immediately above the new basic municipalities, in non-metropolitan areas. For the 1970 census, certain magisterial districts were subdivided into two districts for the purpose of “ethnic” enumerations. The census districts sometimes preceded the official establishment of the magisterial districts by a few years. The reference is the magisterial district (legal and administrative entity) the numbers and boundaries of which varied over the whole period, tanging from 206 in 1911 to 370 at the peak in 1991. District (census and magisterial)ĢThe census districts form the regional grid (infra-provincial level) to which places are allocated, serving to compile census data from 1904 to 2001. They separated the CBDs ( Central Business Districts) and the white suburbs from the townships reserved for the non-white populations. 1The different spaces generated by the apartheid policies, which were essential components of the city, were separated by buffer zones, which were empty spaces or zones occupied by communication channels and industrial estates these buffer zones were boundaries and prevented any real direct contact they were visible, real, social and ethnic discontinuities in the landscape.

South africa township definition